
Jumat, 14 September 2012

Translation of Ohno Satoshi's Arashi Discovery

[BGM 'Face Down']

Good morning. This is Arashi's Ohno Satoshi.
Every Friday I respond to messages received on this show.

First up is a topic that many people have asked about, so I'll tallk about that for a bit. That topic is "I went to the Yokohama Museum of Art and saw Nara Yoshitomo's work". 

That's right, I have too. I was with Nara-san a little before that exhibition was held. It wasn't quite for work but I went to see his work a little before the exhibition was held. Man, it was incredible. Beautiful!There was a huge painting this time. Right. More so than usual. Nara-san always has a personal sense of completion but this time, he's exhibited unfinished works too. Personally. I'd kinda like to try that. His use of colours is beautiful. He showed me how he did it.

But man, it was interesting. It was truly something worth seeing. I could look at it forever. It was extraordinarily interesting. I was a little jealous, conversely. A picture of that size must have been tough work. No matter how many days it takes, I'd like to do one too. Eh, so from now on I'd like to work on that little by little.

Right, continuing on, one from Kaho-san.

"Satoshi-kun, good morning"
Good morning.

"I work at a cafe each morning before I go to university. So I prepare the coffee and make the sandwiches. Satoshi-kun, what do you normally have for breakfast? Also,I'd also like if you could say 'Kaho-chan, gimme a hot coffee'"

I see. I'm the bread-in-the-morning type. If I eat in the mornings, it'd be sweet bread. I had sweet bread today too. Well, in the mornings it'd be bread and yoghurt and coffee. Black. I've gotten kinda grown-up. Ever since I did the drama. I've become more grown-up recently. I used to put milk and stuff in, but lately I take it black. Yeah. So that's how it is.

Ah, Kaho-chan. Gimme a hot coffee please.

Continuing on, we have one from Satoeri-san from Tokyo.

"When I appear in front of people, I get so nervous that my face hardens and it's hard to smile. But from September onwards I'll be a trainee teacher and I'll have to give lessons in front of loads of children. How can I become better at smiling when appearing in front of people? Smile-Master Ohno-kun, please teach me."

I'm not a smile master. But well, that's right. It's diferent even now. There's a smile master after all. But whatever. (laughs)

Well, it's tough. I hate appearing in front of people, basically. But you have to do it a fair bit for this job. But I got where I am from doing that. 

Satoeri-chan. I think you get used to it. It might be like that at first, but after you get to know the kids, you'll learn how to do it. Well, so I can't really tell you. It's best if you enjoy it and do it naturally from there.

So, lastly, Satoeri-chan, here's a smile from me to you. Here goes.

3... 2... 1... HA!

That reached you, right?

And so with that, the weekly Friday messages have been answered. I'll be awaiting your mail. The address is I'll be waiting for you to send me lots of messages.

See you next week; this was Ohno Satoshi !

Good morning. This is Arashi's Ohno Satoshi.
Here's today's thought of the day; come on!

"Autumn winds chill lips that speak of things.[1]"

[BGM 'To be free']

I have no clue(laughs)
This is a metaphor for the bad aftertaste that comes with badmouthing people. It is used when speaking unnecessarily would invite disaster.

Ahh, I see. So if you say something by mistake. I guess I don't really do that. But it happens. Like, "I shouldn't have said that..." (laughs)Like "if that hadn't been said, there wouldn't be that atmosphere" sort of thing.

Speaking of which, my parents often do that. Times when it'd be fine not to point out every single thing. Then they start fighting. Well, it's a tough call. Yeah.

Ah! It's already September, everyone! I don't know if you realised it, but that means it's almost AraFes, right? This time we've incorporated various fan requests in the setlist. Well, really, there are some unexpected song choices in there too.

We're in the middle of rehearsals now. There's quite a lot of choreography from old songs to recall. There are songs I totally don't remember too. We've got videos of the choreography taken just in case. So that we don't leave anything out. So we look for those videos. 

Then when we all watch the videos, we'd be like "That's it! That's how it went!". We danced quite a fair bit back in the day. "Man, we were young," we'd say. And we actually did it properly. (laughs) We even danced properly for the choreography video!

We were sure bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. You'd like to see those guys back then, wouldn't you? Man, that's why we've gotta revive them. Not only that, it wouldn't work if we don't do it with the same feelings as we did back then. So we have a little under a month. It takes a lot of physical strength too. That's not good, seriously.

So the other day we had a rehearsal. Everyone was already exhausted. So today we gave up dancing.
 (laughs) Everyone got kinda sleepy. We're doing our best!

Well, we'll definitely live up to your expectations with all our might. We'd like to create something great.

That's all; this was Ohno Satoshi!

[1] 'Silence is golden' might be the English equivalent. I have no clue if I even translated the phrase right!

credit to twosen livejournal twosen.livejournal

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