
Rabu, 30 Oktober 2013

Pemanfaatan Telematika : GPS Tracking

Telematika berasal dari bahasa Perancis “TELEMATIQUE” yang berarti bertemunya sistem jaringan komunikasi dengan teknologi informasi. (Wikipedia 1)

Menurut Moedjiono (Deputi Telematika Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika (Depkominfo)), “Telematika” adalah istilah bahasa Indonesia yang kita (stakeholders) create sendiri, yaitu merupakan konvergensi dari :
Tele   = “Telekomunikasi”
ma     = “Multimedia”
tika    = “Informatika”,
atau konvergensi dari “3C”: “Content”, “Computing”, and “Communication”.

Dari dua definisi di atas, maka dapat dibuat kesimpulan bahwa Telematika adalah Telecommunication dan Information. Selain di bidang komunikasi pemanfaatan dari telematika sendiri sudah banyak digunakan seperti di bidang keamanan dan keselamatan, navigasi, pendidikan maupun pemerintahan.

Infrastruktur komunikasi untuk mendukung teknologi telematika antara lain adalah jaringan seluler (HP), jaringan Satelit, jaringan Siaran Radio/TV, jaringan Titik Akses dan lainnya.

Pemanfaatan Telematika

Berikut ini adalah salah satu pemanfaatan telematika dalam navigasi, keamanan dan keselamatan : Global Positioning System. Sistem Pemosisi Global atau yang lebih dikenal dengan GPS adalah sistem untuk menentukan letak di permukaan bumi dengan bantuan penyelarasan (synchronization) sinyal satelit. (Wikipedia 2)

Architecture GPS Tracking

Berikut gambaran sistem kerja dari GPS bisa dilihat pada link video ini : 

Cara kerja sistem ini menggunakan sejumlah satelit yang berada di orbit bumi, yang memancarkan sinyalnya ke bumi dan ditangkap oleh sebuah alat penerima. Sistem ini menggunakan 24 satelit yang mengirimkan sinyal gelombang mikro ke Bumi. Sinyal ini diterima oleh alat penerima di permukaan bumi dan berguna untuk menentukan letak (lokasi), kecepatan, arah, dan waktu.

GPS Tracker atau sering disebut dengan GPS Tracking adalah teknologi AVL (Automated Vehicle Locater) yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk melacak posisi kendaraan, armada ataupun mobil dalam keadaan Real-Time. GPS Tracking memanfaatkan kombinasi teknologi GSM dan GPS untuk menentukan koordinat sebuah obyek, lalu menerjemahkannya dalam bentuk peta digital. GPS Tracking juga terdapat pada ponsel atau smartphone saat ini, yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk melacak posisi dari ponsel (smartphone) si pengguna.

GPS banyak juga digunakan sebagai alat navigasi seperti kompas. Beberapa jenis kendaraan telah dilengkapi dengan GPS untuk alat bantu navigasi, dengan menambahkan peta, maka bisa digunakan untuk memandu pengendara, sehingga pengendara bisa mengetahui jalur mana yang sebaiknya dipilih untuk mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan.

Kegunaan lain dari GPS adalah sebagai pelacak kendaraan, dengan bamtuan GPS pemilik kendaraan/pengelola armada bisa mengetahui ada dimana saja kendaraannya/aset bergeraknya berada saat ini. Pemanfaatan GPS pada kendaraan selain sebagai alat bantu navigasi bisa juga sebagai alat keamanan dan keselamatan. Contohnya pelacakan pesawat yang hilang karena mengalami kecelakaan di tengah laut.

Selain pemanfaatan telematika dari GPS di atas, masih banyak lagi pemanfaatan telematika lainnya seperti di bidang pendidikan yakni E-learning.

Semoga penjelasan singkat di atas dapat berguna bagi bloggers sekalian, saran, komentar dan kritik akan penulis tunggu dan baca untuk perbaikan penulisan berikutnya.

Sumber :

Rabu, 23 Oktober 2013

Arashi Member LOVE Discussion

Today if you join with Official fans, JFC (Johnnys family Club) you will got this mail. On this mail they are talking about LOVE album :

♥ LOVE Message 

Ohno : Our new album, "LOVE" goes on sale today! In honor of the occasion, ARASHI is here to bring you this message in a group discussion format.
ARASHI : Hi there!
Sakurai : It's finally released! It's been what, a year?
Matsumoto : Yeah, not since "Popcorn"
Aiba : We've been waiting for this.
Ninomiya : It has been a while. Feels nice and productive! (LOL)
Ohno : It doesn't feel like a long time to me.
Sakurai : Oh really?
Ohno : What? I'm the only one that feels that way?
Sakurai : We all just said that "it's been a while"
Ninomiya : Yep.
Aiba : Me, too.
Matsumoto : Me, too.
Ohno : ...Then, me too.
Ninomiya : What was that? (LOL)

Ohno : Okay, it does feel like a year has passed. The song I like this time is "Ai wo Utaou"!
Ninomiya : Ah man, I was going to say the same thing. You took the words right out of my mouth.
Sakurai : Then why not say it together?
Ohno & Ninomiya : "Ai wo Utaou"! (handshake)
Ohno : I like sho-chan's rap.
Sakurai : What, really?! I'm flattered.
Ninomiya : Let's ask! What do you like about it?
Ohno : It feels like he builds up his momentum throughout. It gives me goose bumps.

Ninomiya : That's high praise from you! I think this "LOVE" album came from wanting to do these sorts of songs. I feel like "Ai wo Utaou" became the one that represents the whole album.
Matsumoto : It's symbolic of this album's "LOVE" in a way.
Aiba : It's huge. Like tons of love, right?
Ninomiya :  No matter where you go, you come back to somewhere that's perhaps not your homeland, but it's the same spot you started from. I like that part, personally.

Aiba : As for me, I think that "CONFUSION" is my favorite. It took the most time to get perfect during recording.
Sakurai : I heard of your epic attemps. (LOL)
Aiba : I couldn't sing at all! The lyrics in third line were so though! (LOL)
Matsumoto : You mean you fudged your part?
Ninomiya : Nah, it was difficult. I agree!
Aiba : I was worried we might have to redo it on another day! But in the end, we finished. That's why I like the song, since I worked so hard on it, after all!
Matsumoto : There's a lot of love in this particular song?
Ninomiya : Everything goes back to LOVE.

Matsumoto : I think I like "FUNKY" the best. Maybe it's the disco sound, but I thought it was apropos. If possible, I'd love for everyone to dance to this one at concert or something.
Sakurai : Yeah, and "Rock Tonight" was definitely good, too. I think it's good to have songs that have a sense of unity to them. It turned out quite fun in the end!

Aiba : The cover looks great, too!
Sakurai : We didn't purposefully make the whole abum so grown up, but since last year's "Popcorn" turned out how it did. Remember the silly hats? (LOL) It's a bit removed from that. (LOL)
Aiba : Ehen you look at the two covers together...
Sakurai We don't even look like we're the same group! (LOL)
Ninomiya : Very true! (LOL)
Ohno : Heh heh heh!

Special round-table discussion

Here, we bring you the members talking in a round-table discussion about the appeal of the album "LOVE"

Aiba : The choreography for "P.A.R.A.D.O.X" was very mature, wasn't it? We went abroad for that choreography.
Sakurai : That's right! We went to NY!
Matsumoto : We were dancing the whole time weren't we?
Aiba :  Yeah. We went to the rehearsal room everyday.
Matsumoto : We got the choreography before we went, but the result was that it felt like we were being given new choreography right there and then.
Sakurai : It was probably about half and half, I guess. He probably watched the way we danced and changed course a little!? I suppose.
Ohno : That's right. Overall it was really captured the variety. We danced in the dancing parts, and it was rhythmical in the rhythmic part. We weren't just in the rehearsal room, we also walked around a bit.

Ninomiya : And ate some delicious food.
Sakurai : Sushi Yakiniku It wasn't like NY at all!?
Ninomiya : That's why we were saying "Let's eat a hot dog!"(LOL)
Aiba : That's right! I really wanted some!
Sakurai : It was like "You've crossed over!" to America (LOL)
Ninomiya : We were saying, "We haven't done anything like that"
Aiba : And "I want to try out a hot dog stand!"
Sakurai : Did you all get to eat one in the end?
The other four members : We did! We did!
Ninomiya : Aiba-san said "I want to eat a kebab," but when he went he was told they had all sold out
Aiba : So I found another place and ate one! It was unbelievably delicious!
Matsumoto : Is a kebab typical NY food!? (LOL)
Aiba : I wanted to eat one from a stand!
Ninomiya : It was delicious, wasn't it?

Matsumoto :  The filming for the video clip itself actually took place quite a while after.
Sakurai : On the day of filming, it felt like we danced all afternoon.
Ohno : That's right
Matsumoto : Because ita was filmed with dancing as the main part
Sakurai : I want everyone to see the "P.A.R.A.D.O.X" video clip. It's been a long time since we've had video clip for a new song on the new album..
Matsumoto : It's the first time since "Lucky Man"! Is it!?
Ohno : What about, what was that one..?
Sakurai : Oh! "Mada Minu Sekai e"?
Ohno : That's the one!
Sakurai : But that was a DVD, so it's the first time it's been done for an album since..yep, I think it was "Lucky Man"!
Matsumoto : Was it originally with the "Lucky Man" album? Wasn't it for a best of or something, a clip compilation?
Sakurai : I think we just did it for promotion. I think this is the first time we've included it with an album!
Aiba : It's the first time!
Sakurai : In that case, it's fairly valuable isn't it?
Ninomiya : Seriously?! A first on our 12th album!? That's shocking!
Aiba : I really want everyone to see it!
Sakurai : We're still coming up with first
Matsumoto : It was difficult filming with the timing of the album. We'd already complete the song "P.A.R.A.D.O.X" itself. The usual oreder is you decide the conceptof the album, while you're thinking about the tour and decide on the songs then.
Sakurai : That's true!
Matsumoto : You plan to finish the songs way after that.
Ninomiya : It's really difficult (LOL), if you decide to add it to the album (LOL)
Sakurai : You gotta move pretty fast.
Matsumoto : From now on, should we record a song a month? (LOL)
Aiba : Um, hahaha!
Sakurai : Should we start stocking them up?! (LOL)

Ninomiya : Right..well, Ohno-san, please wrap this up!
Ohno : ARASHI's new album "LOVE" is an album that we could only have made now, and is full of songs that reflect the way ARASHI currently is. Long ago, when we made our debut, we sang adult oriented songs, but I think because of where we are now, those type of songs really suit us. Our fans span a wide age-range, but as we have a big theme like LOVE, I think you can listen to it from a variety of viewpoints. Therefore...
Ninomiya : It doesn't seem like you're wrapping this up at all! (LOL)
Sakurai : He's never going to finish (LOL)
Ohno : that sense (LOL), it's nit titled in any particular way, and it includes LOVE from a variety of perspectives! Even if childern listen to it, I think they'll be able to feel LOVE. ...there's small LOVE too, and big, grown-up LOVE as well!
Matsumoto : Man, that's enough, isn't it? (LOL)
Aiba : Thank you very much!
Ohno : ...and so (LOL), how can I put it?...It's all the LOVE put together!
Aiba & Matsumoto & Ninomiya : ROFL
ARASHI : Please listen to our album "LOVE"! We're counting on you!

I will post ‘behind of P.A.R.A.D.O.X story’ in next post. Because this is first day of sale of LOVE album I wish they will make a great selling for this new album. (^ ^) I have class tomorrow morning.
Mata ato de~
Admin deshita! (^0^)/

(don’t repost please)

credit : zahiralovesjaejoongandsatoshi tumblr
source :

Kamis, 17 Oktober 2013

Long Weekend (?)

Too much things come up, Everytime I want to post then I will remember something that I must to do. In the end I forget and didn’t post anything…

Sorry for that, but at least I will posting once each month. Anyway, in the end of this month arashi will released new album with the title ‘LOVE’. 2 new songs had been played on their radio anyway, rekomen (aiba’s radio) played P.A.R.A.D.O.X and Funky, Baystorm had played Funky. Both of that songs was really new for me as arashist. Maybe, this time they will add some sound effects for this album.

13 oct ’13 I’m going to Dufan (Dunia Fantasi) with my family and my best friend (Dian). It’s been a long time I didn’t come to this park. I tried to ride KORA KORA, Ontang Anting and Roller coaster and I got sick. My head feels dizzy and I want to throw out something. This is the first time for Dian to come this park, she even tried ride Histeria alone and she comeback like there’s nothing happened. Ohh..I want to ride that too, but I can’t.

I didn’t get scaried while riding that, Doki doki suru~ (^_^) I realized that I can’t ride anything related with something make my head dizzy. I haven’t meet with ‘dosen penguji’ again for ‘revisi PI’ till now. I wonder when I will finish this… (-_-) I don’t want got carried away and forgot that I must doing it as quick as possible. Good luck for me then! (^_^||)

This is my stories…

De wa, Admin deshita! (^0^)/ 

Selasa, 01 Oktober 2013

Welcome October !

Hisashiburi~ (^0^)/
Admin Fitri here~!!

Eh? When is it my last post? a month? (._.)a
Sorry for not update this blog, I just want to semi-hiatus from blogging for a month. I want to enjoy my last holidays before I come back to university. Well, it has been a week I'm back to my usual activity at campuss. I think this semester all of my activity was in Depok. The seasons is change isn't it? Can u feel it?
At Jakarta the weather was  unpredictable, there is a day with sunny and the next day will be cloudy or rainy. Actually, in Indonesia already on rainy season but the weather didn't say like that. haha! *watch out ur health everyone*

Arafes'13 already over and I keep wondering about the DVD, I wish the staff will including Matsumiya (Jun and Nino) surprise birthday party at Kokuritsu. Some report said that in second day when closing (they sing 5x10) their (Arashi member) eyes become teary. Maybe because this is the last time they will doing concert at National Stadium before the reconstructed that stadium. Anyway, Olympics will be held in Japan 2020. For me, the logo of Olympic was represented Arashi's colors. I wish Arashi will become group who singing at the grand opening. (>/\<)

New album will be released this month! The title of album is LOVE and there will be album PV (title : Paradox). The tracklist of album was so amusing, I just wondering about Ohno solo song "Hit the floor". He said on magazine interview bout his solo song for LOVE Album, even he sang ballad song he will dance for that song.

I'm spending my holidays with watching lot of anime, Jdrama, Jmovie and Arashi of course! ^^ About Platina Data? I like both of Nino's character, I like the character of Kagura and Ryu. Because I'm just starting my activity at university, so I will update when I have time to share it here. You can add me on facebook or twitter, I always on that social media. Eh? Did I forget something? mmm...

(credit photo to the right owner)
Ah! Otsukaresama deshita Arashi no minna-san for Arafes'13. For next Album and Dome Tour, I'm looking forward for that! Ganbatte~! (^0^)9

Sore dewa..
Admin deshita~ (~^0^)~