
Selasa, 31 Desember 2013

J-Web Updated !

It's Kouhaku~! And, Happy New Year ! ! 
- Satoshi

Enjoy (Matsumoto's Web) is updated too !

Enjoy by Jun 
I believe there are those people who were unable to participate, 
but I hope everyone can still see it ! 
I guess Arafes '13 would be first . . 
Please look forward to it !
And that is good news for us isn't it? When we cried over about 'will they released it or not?' and pro-contra about Kokuritsu (between fans) we can let it go now. At least matsujun said that in his blog ^^

Tonight there will be Kouhaku Uta Gassen 64th on NHK and I hope Arashi win again this year ! Arashi will be hosting this Music Show with Ayase Haruka (akagumi), yesterday they already doing rehearsals with another artists and singers. Enjoy your new year eve minna ! Admin deshita~! (^0^) /

source : NHK Kouhaku , J-Web
credit photo to the owner

Rabu, 25 Desember 2013

Arashi in December 2013

Minna-san, konbanwa~ ^^
Too much magazines with Arashi in the cover this month and next year !
  • Aiba-san will be acting in his first movie 'Miracle: Debikuro-kun no Koi to Mahou' with Eikura Nana, Han Hyo Joo, Ikuta Toma etc. And it's love story wohoo~ ^0^
  • Music Station SP Live 2013, this friday, 27th at 7pm (JST) Arashi will perform One Love, Kansha Kangeki Ame Arashi & P•A•R•A•D•O•X

  • Arashi won 6 prizes this year from Oricon Award

  • Arashi will released new single on 12th feb 2014, the title for this single hasn't announced yet. But, this single will be ost for Jun next drama 'Shitsuren Chocolatier' and theme song for NTV's Sochi Olympic

  • Jun will acting with Ishihara Satomi in 'Shitsuren Chocolatier'. This is romance drama based on Japanese comic.
  • New calendar for jan 2014 Ninomiya Nisshin-Oillio and Ohno Naive (click link and download the calendar from website with click button the size that you want to download)
  • New Year and Christmas Card Ninomiya Pocky

That's for today, merry christmas for who had celebrate it !
Admin deshita !

Happy Birthday Aiba Masaki !

誕生日おめでとう相葉ちゃん ! ! !

Maybe your birthday already past, but not for me
Maybe you said that people around you will celebrate your birthday and christmas eve in the same time, but for me it's different
Maybe you will cry when people around you get hurt, but I'm always support you from here
Maybe people will saying bad things about you, but I'll keep believing you
Just be good as your yourself it's enough for me
Just keep your smile in your face it's make me smile too
Just keep your health and I'll be okay here
Please always stay with Arashi and bring us your happiness and etc

Happy birthday our miracle boy Aiba Masaki 31st !

Minggu, 08 Desember 2013

[Download] December is...

Hallo..minna-san !
Genki desuka ?
I'm so sorry for not updating about Arashi like before. I want to post but I think everyone already know about that news so I thing it's just late information that I will post. So, here I am ! ! Just want to give all arashian some info about them ^^

  • Sho-kun will be as main caster for Sochi Olympic 2014
  • Jun-kun will have new drama next year
  • Arashi will be MC-ing Kouhaku again this year with Ayase Haruka
  • Arashi will appeared on HeyHeyHey New Year SP on January 13, 2014
  • Aiba-chan and Oh-chan have new CM for Kirin product 'Mets Cola' (you can visit kirin official website to watch this CM)
  • There are Kagi no Kakatta Heya SP on 3rd January 2014
  • Arashi will have Fuku Arashi again this year on Fuji TV (They are already making poster and CM for this and they on bath tub !!!)
  • Arashi will have Arashi ni Shiyagare SP, there are segment 'Yarinaoshi' (I heard one of Arashi's member will be crossed dress on this SP like Oh-chan this year, remember Satoko-chan debut? lol )
  • And many more...

Anyway, tonight I just saw Arashi's paparazzi pictures in Okinawa. I think those pictures are new, I don't know what are they doing at those place.. I hope it's a good thing. I'm still waiting for JE to released Arafes'13 DVD ! I keep wondering when they will released that Arafes'13??
I wish Arashi's member in good condition, too much job in the end of the year. Specially Jun and Oh-chan who weak in winter season. Because December is Aiba's month I will celebrate it too on that day.

Download Calendars for December 2013 (Arashi edition)
nisshin-oillio (Nino's CM)
Je l'aime (Jun's CM)
Sumitomo life insurance (Aiba's wallpaper)
Naive (Ohno's CM)

This month is middle test (UTS), I don't get bad mark. So I must study hard and wish me luck!
Have a good month minna ! Admin deshita~!
\ (^0^) /

Selasa, 03 Desember 2013

[First Time] Gathering AIFAM Jakarta ~Full of Love~

Minggu, 01 Desember 2013 menjadi gathering ARASHINDO pertama yang admin hadiri~ (◠‿◠) Admin sendiri sebenarnya sudah tau mengenai fanbase ini dari tahun pertama admin menjadi fans Arashi (◠‿◠) Admin juga tau jika fanbase ini sering mengadakan gathering dan nonton bareng (nobar) DVD Concert, tapi saat itu admin belum bisa ikut dikarenakan masalah pribadi. Dan..akhirnya di akhir tahun 2013 ini admin bisa ikut !! (≧∇≦)/ Yeayy ! ! *norak dikit*

Awalnya admin ragu untuk ikut karna teman-teman arashick yang admin kenal kebanyakan tidak ikut dan ada JLPT test (Nihon Nouryoku Shiken disingkat Nouken), jadi admin tidak ada teman untuk ke lokasi gathering _

Tapi, ada satu kenalan admin (panggil saja yuki-chan) yang katanya akan hadir setelah selesai mengikuti nouken. Pada akhirnya admin memberanikan diri untuk ikut karna tahun depan admin akan disibukkan dengan semester akhir. Langsung saja admin melakukan transfer ke bank untuk Gath AIFAM tersebut dan melakukan konfirmasi pada contact person (panitia) gath (Teteh Dara).

Pagi minggu hujan deras?!
Alhamdulillah hujan reda sekitar jam 7 dan admin pun bersiap-siap untuk berangkat ke lokasi gathering di Depok. Sebelum ke tempat gath admin menitipkan orenji (motor admin J ) di stasiun kereta Pondok Cina. Selanjutnya admin berjalan menuju lokasi gath mengikuti peta yang diberikan oleh teteh (panitia). Admin pun berjalan terus melewati ATM Bank BNI dan berjalan menelusuri pinggiran danau UI (Universitas Indonesia) sampai admin berhenti di depan Starbucks. Admin menghubungi teteh untuk menanyakan lokasinya dan ternyata lokasinya ada di Balairung yang tadi admin lewati?! *jadi admin harus balik ke jalan yang tadi admin lewati*
Sampai di lokasi gath admin bertemu dengan para panitia penyelenggara dan berkenalan langsung dengan mereka, ada Teteh Dara, Ka Risci, Ka Arfie, Ka Ishna dll. Acara diundur sampai arashick lainnya datang (admin itu peserta pertama yg datang) hehe  (^^;)

Dan sekitar jam 12-an, acara pun dimulai (hampir semua panita dan peserta sudah datang). Salah satunya ada Fara mahasiswi UI yang mengajak temannya yang bernama Akane (orang Jepang asli) yang sedang menempuh pendidikan di Indonesia. J *WOW nihon-jin*

Admin dan arashick yang lain diberikan bando yang bertuliskan AIFAM dan perkenalan pun dimulai dengan MC gath kali ini Ka Arfie dan Teteh Dara! Selanjutnya ada games seru dimana lagu Arashi diputar kemudian uchiwa diputar sampai musiknya berhenti dan orang yang memegang uchiwa saat lagu berhenti harus menjawab pertanyaan..korba pertama adalah Teteh Dara ! J

Acara berlanjut dengan pemutaran video Kaleidoskop ARASHINDO 2007-2013 yang diputar di laptop dan speaker. Di video tersebut ada foto-foto kegiatan ARASHINDO yang tersebar di Indonesia (Jakarta, Bali, Bandung, Jogja) bahkan ada yang dari Singapura!! Oh iya, ada juga video dari Ka Laras pendiri ARASHINDO loh! J

Seusai pemutaran video, acara berikutnya merayakan ulang tahun ARASHINDO ke 7 dan ulang tahun Ohno Satoshi ke 33 . Untuk ultah ARASHINDO ada tumpeng (nino-rice hahaha! ) yang enak begete dan buat ultah papa Satoshi ada kue coklat yang jadi desert siang itu~

credit photo to the rightfull owner

Potongan kue ulang tahun papa Satoshi~ 
*warna garpunya yama loh~ hihihi*

Setelah selesai menyantap tumpeng dan kue coklat tadi, acara dilanjutkan dengan membuat time capsule untuk diri kita sendiri 3 tahun ke depan dan dimasukkan ke dalam wadah yang disediakan panitia yang nantinya akan dibuka 1 desember 2016 *3 tahun ke depan admin jadi apa yaa?*

Di sela-sela acara admin ambil foto AIFam-tacchi yang lagi mendengarkan perintah dari sang MC

Lalu ada games lagi, permainan tradisional Indonesia ‘do-mi-ka-do’. Pemenang di games ini adalah Fara! *omedetou!* J
Kemudian kami menulis kesan dan pesan di Message Board menggunakan spidol dan cat air warna-warni. Akane-chan menuliskan Kanji untuk ARASHINDO di message board, akane-chan juga menuliskan message-nya. J

Semua sibuk berkreasi dengan Message board-nya J

Ini message dari admin *adsurb*

Ini kanji buatan Akane-chan J

Mengisi waktu kosong setelah menulis message board dengan menjahili banner yang tidak bersalah ini~ *admin malah ngambil fotonya*

Admin bersama AIFam-tachi yang lainnya juga membuat message video untuk ARASHINDO. Acara ditutup dengan pembagian souvenir dan doa serta harapan untuk ARASHINDO ke depannya.

Aku dan Ka Arfie *peace*

Aku dan Akane-chan !

Selesai acara admin berkumpul dengan yang lain di depan perpus untuk meminta koleksi video Arashi yang mereka punya, tapi karna sudah sore dan baterai laptop yang mulai lemah admin hanya meminta beberapa video saja.

Gerimis pun datang dan admin serta yang lain pun berpisah tak jauh dari perpus. Admin berjalan menuju stasiun bersama Ka Yani yang ternyata lulusan Gunadarma dari jurusan yang sama dengan admin ?! Admin pun ngobrol ini itu sampai berpisah dengannya dan admin pulang ke rumah dengan hujan yang mulai deras~

Kesan admin, acaranya simple dan sederhana tapi rame, seru, lucu, menyenangkan dan terharu karna di gath pertama yang admin hadiri bisa liat video dari pendiri ARASHINDO Ka Laras. *lebay dikit boleh dong yaa* J Doanya, semoga acara / kegiatan berikutnya dapat lebih sukses dan gila lagi ! Sukses terus ARASHINDO !

Buat panitia dan admin-tachi terima kasih sudah menghadiri, menyelenggarakan acaranya serta berkenalan dengan saya yang gaje (admin). お疲れ様でした!
あかねちゃんへ, ありがとう また 会いましょう ^^

Souvenir dari Gathering ARASHINDO Jakarta~

Sangat disayangkan, pada akhirnya yuki-chan tidak jadi datang ke acara gathering..padahal admin mau ngerayain ultah papa bareng yuki-chan~ L Tapi, admin sudah ada rencana akan main ke rumah yuki-chan akhir bulan ini. Nanti admin posting ceritanya~ Admin deshita! バイバイ! (^0^)/

Cerita gathering selengkapnya bisa dilihat disini >> Forum ARASHINDO

Sabtu, 30 November 2013

Petualangan di Kebun Raya Bogor

Jumat lalu (29.11.2013) karna dosen matakuliah kedua tidak masuk, tiba-tiba temen-temen cewe sekelas mengajak admin untuk pergi jalan-jalan ke Kebun Raya Bogor. Sebenernya sih, udah ada rencana jalan-jalan kesana sebelumnya, tapi selalu dibatalkan karna ada urusan lain dan waktu yang tidak tepat. Kali ini, dengan ide, paksaan dari wulan, uang, bekal, informasi dan tenaga seadanya admin pun ikut ke petualangan kali ini. Mengingat admin belum pernah jalan-jalan ke tempat seperti itu bareng temen-temen kuliah, yaa..admin ikut deh ^ ^ Oh iya! Ini pertama kalinya admin naik Kereta Comuter Line loh.. *norak*

Ini tiket Comuter Line untuk sekali jalan
(sejak tahun ini, sudah berubah dalam bentuk card)

Harga untuk jaminan tiketnya Rp.5.000 dan tiketnya sendiri Cuma Rp.2.500 loh untuk sekali perjalanan. ^ ^ Sebenarnya ada juga tiket buat yang langganan naik kereta, aku bilangnya sih card member hehe. Temen-temenku rata-rata naik kereta soalnya, kalau tidak salah warna cardnya hitam dan ada chipnya. Siang itu cuaca depok sangat cerah dan kita pun take off dari stasiun Pondok cina ke stasiun Bogor, sebelum sampe stasiun bogor kita pindah kereta sekali loh.. *lupa di stasiun apa, tapi yang admin inget di stasiun terakhir di depok*

Di dalam kereta kita ngobrol-ngobrol soal ini itu sampe akhirnya di stasiun tujuan!! Sampai disana, admin beserta yang lain (wulan, harti, nurma) mengisi kembali tiket yang tadi sudah dipakai untuk perjalanan pulang nanti (harganya Cuma Rp.2.500).

Selesai itu kita naik angkot yang menuju Kebun Raya Bogor~ Dengan tarif Rp.2.500 /orang kami pun meluncur dari stasiun sampai ke depan kebun Raya Bogor (karna terlalu panjang admin singkat jadi KBR saja yaa). Sampai disana, otomatis kita langsung foto-foto di depan KBR ^^ Masuk ke KBR kita membeli tiket masuk seharga Rp.14.000, meski agak kaget dengan harga tersebut kami pun tetap membelinya.

Tiket masuk Kebun Raya Bogor

Jalanan agak sedikit menurun dan ternyata kami menemukan danau yang cukup besar, airnya sangat hijau (mungkin karna lumut atau ganggang hijau). Karna kita tidak memakai pemandu jadi kami keliling sebentar dekat danau (bisa dibilang sedikit nyasar). Kami bertemu dengan beberapa turis asing loh disana.. ^^

Danau dan salah satu pohon besar yang ada di tepi danau

Waktu makan siang pun tiba dan kami segera mencari tempat untuk makan siang. Bekal yang kami beli di kampus pun kami makan bersama-sama di pinggir danau.  Saat makan siang, terlihat awan mendung di atas danau. Tak jauh dari danau ada gedung putih, admin kurang tau itu termasuk salah satu bagian dari Istana Negara atau bukan tapi gedung tersebut cukup besar.

Tujuan berikutnya mencari jembatan gantung yang ada di KBR. Tapi karna satu dua hal kami malah mampir ke Museum Zoologi. Di museum ini terdapat binatang-binatang (hewan) yang diawetkan, ada juga fosil tulang dari Phitecantropus Erectus (manusia purba) dan lain-lain.

Burung yang biasa ada di pantai
*admin lupa namanya*

Tulang dari Blue whale (Paus Biru) yang memiliki berat 160 ton (?)
*admin kurang tau ini replika atau bukan*

Admin baru tau jika paus biru tidak memiliki gigi, tapi paus biru memiliki alat penyaring di dalam mulutnya yang disebut Balen

Selesai dari situ admin mengusulkan untuk segera ke jembatan gantung karna sudah mulai gerimis. Dan untuk ke-sekian-kalinya kami bertanya pada petugas yang ada di sekitar KBR dimana lokasi dari Jembatan gantung tersebut. Ternyata dari pintu masuk kita hanya tinggal lurus dan jalan menurun mengikuti aliran sungai yang cukup besar. Langit semakin gelap dan tak lama kami sampai di jembatan tersebut tiba-tiba hujan turun!? Padahal admin belum sempat mengambil banyak gambar disana..

Admin bersama teman-teman di jembatan gantung KBR

Karna takut hujan turun semakin lebat maka kami bergegas untuk pulang meski sempat beristirahat di tengah jalan karna jalanan yang menanjak. Saat istirahat, ada sekumpulan deretan mobil ABRI yang lewat dan salah satu dari kami ada yang bersorak dan disambut dengan hangat oleh ABRI-ABRI tersebut hahaha!

Keluar dari KBR kami mencari angkot untuk menuju ke stasiun dan dengan tariff yang sama (Rp.2.500) kami menuju stasiun. Di dalam angkot kami sangat ramai, bahkan kami berbincang-bincang dengan santai bertanya ini itu pada pak sopir. ^ ^

Di perjalanan menuju stasiun kami melihat pemandangan yang bagus, gunung Salak menjadi background yang sangat bagus dengan hiasan awan-awan putih di sekitarnya. *halah jadi puitis begini* Sampai di stasiun kami langsung naik kereta tujuan ke Jakarta (lewat pocin). Di seberang bangku admin duduk seorang pria bule yang sudah cukup berumur dan karna kelelahan beberapa dari kami pun tertidur dalam kereta. ^^;

Suasana pulang di dalam kereta

Sampai di stasiun Pondok Cina, depok admin pun berpisah dengan yang lain (ratih, nurma, wiwi, mira, ebeth). Hujan dan petir menyambut kami (admin, ulan, harti, galuh), petirnya bukan seperti petir pada umumnya. *serem* Sebelum pulang, admin dan ulan print Laporan Akhir untuk Labsi keesokan harinya sementara harti dan galuh menunggu di depan tempat print dan fotocopy tersebut. Oh iya, keluar dari stasiun kami mengembalikan kembali Comuter Line Card berwarna putih tadi ke tempat pengembalian dan uang jaminan kembali (Rp.5.000).

Hujan mulai turun lagi dan admin pun memutuskan untuk memakai jas hujan di motor. Keluar dari parkiran motor Kampus D kami pun berpisah dan kembali ke rumah masing-masing dengan cara masing-masing selamat sampai rumah..

Sekian petualangan admin bersama teman kelas. Sampai ketemu di cerita admin berikutnya. Admin deshita~ (^0^) /

Selasa, 26 November 2013

Happy Birthday Ohno-kun !


longlast with Arashi~
specially with Sho-chan ne~
stay health and be a great leader ^ ^
although you turned  33 years old now,
I'm always support you and Arashi from here !

ハーピーバースデーパパ智 !

Rabu, 20 November 2013

Future Shopping Card

Kartu kredit bukanlah hal baru lagi, terutama bagi para pecinta berbelanja. Kartu yang simple, efisien dan mudah dibawa kemana saja tanpa memakan banyak tempat ini akan menjadi benda penting bagi anda.

Dynamic Credit Card ini adalah kartu yang dapat dengan mudah memberikan informasi siapa pemilik kartu ini dan keamanan kartu ini dapat diatur oleh pemiliknya langsung.

Dengan menekan Huruf E, D, C,B, A  secara urut maka akan muncul nomor unik kartu anda dan tak lama nomor tersebut akan hilang, itu akan mempersulit para hacker credit card. Keamanan kartu ini dapat diatur langsung oleh pemiliknya dengan mudah. Dengan begitu jika kartu ini hilang atau berpindah tangan maka pemilik kartu bisa dengan mudah me-nonaktif-kan kartu yang hilang tersebut.

Sedangkan smart card pada video di atas ini, didukung dengan shopping cart yang berguna untuk membaca si kartu (pembeli/pemilik kartu). Siapa pemilik kartu (pembeli), apa saja yang dibeli dan biaya yang dikeluarkan sudah dihitung langsung ketika pembeli memasukkan barang yang ingin dibeli pada shopping cart tersebut. Jadi, ketika pembeli berada di kasir hanya mendapatkan struk pembelian sebagain bukti pembelian dan melakukan pembayaran tanpa mengantre terlalu lama.
Future Shop Card tersebut menyimpan data (nominal) dan informasi pemilik yang telah disimpan dan dimasukkan ke dalam chip kartu itu sebelumnya.

Jadi, admin dapat menyimpulkan dan membuat arsitektur umum dari beberapa video future shopping card di atas sebagai berikut :

Kamis, 07 November 2013

Report : Arashi Making of P.A.R.A.D.O.X

This is continuation of Arashi’s discussion, this part 2 was posted at Johnnys-web in the same day they post “LOVE Message”.
You can read part 1 here >> ♥LOVE Message♥

A report on the filming of the video clip

We bring you a report on the filming of the video clip for the song ‘P.A.R.A.D.O.X’, which is one of the tracks on ARASHI’s new album, ‘LOVE’.
The album is filled with “LOVE” in it’s many forms… and ‘P.A.R.A.D.O.X’ is a sexy funk number which fills the air with “mature LOVE”. The video clip is full of dances that showcase “Sexy ARASHI’s” appeal!

The filming started in front of a giant wall that had been installed in the studio. The members were all dressed in chic black jackets, which contrasted with the deep red wall background as their photos were taken.

Ninomiya was up first. They started by filming his mouth as he lip-synced to the song.
Ninomiya entered the set looking up at the carved wall, and slowly ran his hand along the wall as he walked along singing. As the jaunty melody build up, he bobbed his shoulders up and down in time to percussive rhythm.

Next up was Ohno, who came on the set full of energy and his bangs pushed back! The giant red wall seemed to have raised his spirits, as he appeared full of positive intent. When the camera started rolling, he swayed his body left and right in time with the rhythm and raised his knees high, enchanting everyone with his profound movements. Meanwhile, in the close-up shots, Ohno gave a mysterious look, which conveyed a mature feel.

Aiba was the one who showed us the most dynamic moves.
Before the filiming started, he was doing image training. He kicked his legs up high, and stretched his flexible arms out far, getting ready for his take.he gave a powerful and lively performance as he slammed into the wall and leaned on it, while throwing quick, sharp looks at the camera and throwing punches.

Next up was Matsumoto! As he entered the set, he seemed to be concentrating as he circled his neck upwards and closed his eyes as if he was deep in contemplation. “Music please, one time” he asked, as he carefully checked his moves in the camera rehearsal. In his take, he embodied the sexy funk feel of this piece, not only with flirtatious moves, but also with his provocative looks towards the camera.

Sakurai shook both his hands vigorously, tapped his heels, and sang rhythmically as he powerfully hammered home the count. In therap scene, he also took on a different style, dancing with his hands in his pockets as if to suppress his movements, and singing powerfully as he clenched his fists.

After the solo shots, there were group scenes with all five members together. As they waited on standby in front of the blackout curtain, Ninomiya said to Ohno, “You’re all black, Ohno-san”. He was joking that his skin tan blended in perfectly with his black outfit (LOL). Ohno laughed as this, touching his cheek and saying,”Seriously…(LOL)?”

They were joking around like this as they lined up in front of the red wall. Even on the set, they were practicing the steps they were having trouble with. They matched up their starting positions as the focused on their preparation.
And after rehearsing their dance again and again, it was for the filming to start.

First was the opening scene. I the part where Ohno shouts out in a high pitch, he looked happy as he sang with his hands up in the air. When they called cut, the other four burst out laughing and gave him a round of applause! Ninomiya did an impression of Ohno. “I knew he’d hold his hands up!” (Aiba”. Ohno looked delighted at their reaction.

Next was the image shots with their faces together.
They all huddled together with Ninomiya and Ohno in one team, and Aiba, Matsumoto, and Sakurai in the other, as they shot looks at the camera.

They were standing so close that they could hear each other whisper, and Ninomiya and Ohno were giggling as Aiba, Matsumoto, and Sakurai chatted lightlheartedly and excitedly right up to the take. But as soon as the take started, they instantly focused and gave sharp looks. They were able to turn their focus on and off at a flick of a switch for the filming.

And then it was finally time to film the main dance scene!
While they were waiting for the cameras and lighting to be set up, the members checked the choreography on the video and carefully matched their movements. They seemed to be even more dedicated than usual, as they should have been!

Because, as a matter of fact, the choreography for ‘P.A.R.A.D.O.X’ was done by foreign choreographer, and they had gone all the way to NY to be taught the dance directly, so it was a number that they had strong emotional attachment to.

With the preparations complete, the five members entered the stage all together wearing hats, and right away, they danced and danced and danced! Fiercely moving left and right, and vowing everyone with their steps all in perfect unison, the members ran through the rehearsals and the filming.

Even when a cut was called, ARASHI soon started practicing the next dance part that was going to be filmed.

Matsumoto posed with his jacket half oss and asked,”Like this?” while Ohno checked the same steps. As the two of them faced each other and danced vigorously like they were in musical dance battle (!?) Sakurai watched the scene with a smile on his face, saying “Wow!”

They went over the steps they were having trouble with over and over, as the five of them got more and more precise. Ninomiya and Matsumoto practiced putting their hands on their hats and looking up in sync, while Ohno and Aiba practiced lining up together. Sakurai and Matsumoto was also seen matching up their steps to the music in a scene where they synchronized only their feet.

In the part where they threw their hats in the air while dancing, they all checked their timing as Sakurai sang a capella. They were scrupulous in their preparations.

After they’d checked all their points, the seemed to relax a bit. In one scene, Sakurai crossed his arms and asked “This is where we cross our arms, right?” and Ohno reacted by showing off the type of pose a children’s action hero might do before transforming (LOL).

However, when the cameras started rolling, the cozy atmosphere changed instantly!

ARASHI danced again and again, mesmerizing us with intense, vigorous steps, casually kicking their legs up high, and displaying great flexibility to their very the can era!

After checking the video preview and the camera work, it was now time for the real thing!

As they were filming the sharp dance moves, there was also a moment when someone turned too quickly and their hat flew off. “Sorry! Can we doa that again?!” Sakurai said himself, as they did another take.

They showed us an even more polished dance, and when cut was called they took off their jackets and tried to deal with their sweat. After drinking something and cooling down, they were soon back to  checking their dance.

As Ninomiya practiced a step where he made a big sounds with his feet, the other four just naturally started dancing to that count. “Which way is it from?” (Matsumoto), “The first turn is to the right” (Ninomiya) “Right, left, right, left?” (Matsumoto)… The members went over the dance in minute detail together.

Next, they checked the opening, where they lined up front-to-back and danced. “Do I come in here? (Aiba), “A little more here…” (Sakurai) They chatted as they clicked their fingers, and danced, danced, danced!!

However, they couldn’t quite match up their timing. Ninomiya moaned, “Man, we’re never going to get this (LOL)”. But that worry soon disappeared. When it came to the real take, their timing was in perfect unison. They got through the dance without a problem and got the “OK, sut” signal.

Finally, I can write this translations…sorry for the late timing. I only typing this talk from pictures that zahira-san shared on her tumblr. All of you must had seen their performance on Music Station isn’t it? The different with video clip was at MS, Nino touch his butt with his right hand, did you realized that Sho-kun did wrong choreo (or is that only me who saw that his moves different from PV(?)) and Ohno staring at the camera in the end of their performance and he didn’t make X pose for ‘P.A.R.A.D.O.X’ in choreo. (LOL)
Have a good day everyone! Admin deshita~! \ (^0^) /

credit : zahiralovesjaejoongandsatoshi tumblr
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