
Sabtu, 25 April 2015

[Translation] Yui's diary...











[Translate in Bahasa]
Konnichiwa. Ini yui.

Maaf melakukan hal yang bersifat pribadi ini di situs (official) band. Sebenarnya, saya, yui, telah berkeluarga.

Saya menikah dengan orang biasa.
Lalu, di dalam perut ini aku dianugerahi dengan kehidupan baru.
Mungkin banyak orang-orang yang mengkhawatirkanku mengenai satu dan lain hal, aku minta maaf tidak bisa memberi kabar sesegera mungkin.
Aku berterima kasih kepada member band lain atas perhatiannya di tengah terganggunya aktivitas band karena penyakit yang menimpaku.
Mungkin masih tersisa kekhawatiran pada kondisi fisikku, tapi aku akan berjuang dan tetap memperhatikan kesehatanku.
Aku senang jika kalian terus memperhatikanku dengan penuh perhatian dan kehangatan.
Sekarang perubahan suhu udara setiap hari cukup ekstrim, jadi aku harap kalian semua memperhatikan kondisi fisik kalian ya!


This entry was actually suprising fans, specially me. She suddenly announce that She is pregnant in that site at 2015.04.17. But I'm glad, she found someone that she love and soon gonna have a baby. I hope she can keep healthy and get cure from his stress (panic dissorder). I just repost this from fb and sorry for not asking your permission. If you don't want me to use your translation I can delete it ASAP. Just PM me :)

source : diary

[Translation] Weekly Jweb from Sho

Hello~ Sorry, I didn't post last week's message. I'm too excited with BLAST concert ^^;
Recently, I like new format in Arashi ni Shiyagare. Each of member have individual corner(?), but still they have Arashi in studio watching the vtr with guest. Since the renewal, Nino, Jun and Aiba only did one corner (one vtr of each). But, Sho and Satoshi did more than the others. Sho make disguise of himself to go to traveling (maybe staff choose this cause both Sho and fans seems like vtr when Sho traveling in Hawaii on his day-off), meanwhile Satoshi "to make something" corner (his art sense).
Well, this week's message :

Jumat, 10 April 2015

[Translation] Weekly Jweb from Satoshi

Have you see Blast in Hawaii's CM Spot? It seems the footage was from first day. But idk, cause I saw a hint of J's kayaking and Satoshi is fishing. Can't wait! (>.<) This week's message :

Rabu, 08 April 2015

Getting Older

No, it's not about Arashi or Yui. It's about me, I just want to say Happy Birthday to me! Nothing special happen today, no party , no going out with friends, no boyfriend (ops!). But, I want to say thank you for everyone who congratulated me and be friends with me. Thanks god for everything you gave to me. Thanks mom.. dad :')
Thanks to Arashi and Yui who gave me motivation and cheer me up whenever I'm down and upset. Thanks to you, who read this and visit my blog.