
Selasa, 17 Juli 2012

Kagi no Kakatta Heya [The Locked Room]

Kalian pasti tau dong idol cowo asal negeri sakura yang paling TOP dan terkenal sejagad raya? *lebay dikit boleh yaa* Yup, Arashi, sang leader Ohno Satoshi, (31 tahun) tahun ini (2012) memerankan Enomoto Kei di drama terbarunya. Si riida ini jarang banget tampil di drama tv jepang loh.. Bisa dihitung drama yang pernah diperankan sang riida yang satu ini. Padahal member yang lain sering tampil di drama meski jadi guest, tapi ada alasan kenapa leader Arashi ini jarang muncul di drama tv. "Aku lebih menyukai peran di atas panggung (stage play) dibandingkan berperan di drama tv" begitu katanya. Meski dia jarang muncul di drama tv, sekalinya ia mendapatkan peran maka hasil rating drama tersebut bisa dibilang baik. Ok, berikut ini adalah info seputar drama terbaru yang diperankan oleh Ohno Satoshi, Kagi no kakatta heya. Douzo.. ^^

Ohno Satoshi as Enomoto Kei



Kei Enomoto (Satoshi Ohno) works for a Tokyo based security company. By the request of attorney Junko Aoto (Erika Toda)'s, Kei Enomoto goes to the scene of a locked-room incident with Junko Aoto's senior attorney Gou Serizawa (Koichi Sato). The locked-room case involves the death of Ooishi, the president of a funeral company. Ooishi's body was found in a locked room of a mountain villa. The police concluded that his death was by suicide, due to his room being locked and the fact that Ooishi was suffering from terminal cancer. However, Ooishi's friend Maruyama and notary Kusakabe (Keisuke Horibe) doubt that his death was by suicide and asked Gou Serizawa to investigate. Now, Kusakabe takes Kei Enomoto and Gou Serizawa to the mountain villa and explains what transpired the day Ooishi's body was found.


Based on mystery novel "Kagi no Kakatta Heya" by Yusuke Kishi (published by Kadokawa Shoten, July 26, 2012)

On June 4th, Arashi’s Ohno Satoshi (31) attended a fan gratitude event for his Fuji TV drama “Kagi no Kakkata Heya” (currently on-air, Mondays at 9 P.M.).
At the request of their fans, Ohno was asked to mimic the lines of their co-actors Sato Koichi (51) andToda Erika (23), a method he uses to practice his lines back at home. Sato did not find Ohno’s mimicking satisfactory and stated, “Doesn’t it sound more like Matsuda Yusaku (actor)?” In response, Ohno stated, “I am not making fun of you I swear,” and desperately convinced his intentions to his co-actor.
Since the average of viewer’s rating up until episode 7 is 16%, which is a high number, this event was decided to be held. Their last episode (to air on the 25th) will be 30 minutes longer than their usual episodes.

Meski dramanya udah berakhir di episode 11 kemarin, tapi admin berharap banget ada drama SPnya dan dibuat movienya. *sama kaya Kaibutsu-kun* Rating rata-ratanya cukup memuaskan juga ko.. Sasuga Enomoto kei. \(^0^)/ ~agepoyo~ *omedetou riida*

reference: tokyohive ohno satoshi

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